Board of Directors
Regular AFPD Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at Station One. See the Calendar on this website for specific days. Dates are subject to change for extenuating circumstances and will be noted on the calendar at least three days in advance. Members of the public are welcome at all open Board Meetings. Time is provided for public comment at the end of the meeting, but can be taken at any time during the meeting with approval by the Board.
Concerns, Complaints, Compliments
Volunteers should feel free to express any concerns or complaints they may have to the Board by writing or emailing directly to the Board President. Such communication will be held in confidence.
Also, it is important that volunteers follow the Standard Operating Procedures for Grievances before contacting the Board.
Board President is Jill Allington,
March 19, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Call to Order
⮚ Minutes from Previous Meeting
⮚ Submission of Bills
⮚ Treasurer’s Report
⮚Fire Chief’s Report
🔸Stations / Land
🔸Apparatus / Equipment
⮚ Old Business
🔸Community Room
🔸Performance reviews for paid members.
🔸Executive session regarding staffing issues.
🔸Paul Rekow is stepping away as a board treasurer for the next year.
🔸QuickBooks Online
🔸Gail Schultz Estate
⮚ New Business
🔸Sunshine Records Law Workshop.
🔸Special Session
⮚ Fire Fighter Comments
⮚ Public Comments
⮚ Board Member Comments
⮚ Executive session to discuss the Chiefs performance review
⮚ Adjournment
Meeting minutes are preliminary. They will be reviewed and either changed or approved by the Board at the next meeting.
March 3, 2025
Call to Order
President Jill Allington called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM with board members Jim Hocker,
Rachel Barkworth, Paul Rekow, and Bill Ellis. Also present; Board Secretary, Natalie Gould,
Will Heath, Erle Collom, Gary Maguire, and John Allington.
Bill Ellis gave the following opening statements:
The Board does not generally get involved with personnel matters. However, the Board is ultimately responsible for the overall effectiveness of the Allenspark Fire Protection District, and the oversight of our chief.
Personnel issues within the Department can have a negative impact on the morale and effectiveness of the Department.
The Board recognizes that there was no previous mechanism in place for volunteers to bring concerns in confidence to the Board that have not otherwise been resolved through the normal chain of command. The Board therefore had no method of being aware of any personnel issues that could potentially impact the effectiveness of the Department.
The Board therefore recently initiated a policy to allow individual volunteers to bring concerns to the Board President in confidence and, if warranted, be offered the opportunity to address the entire Board in Executive Session.
Also, the Board recognizes that some highly active and trained volunteers have left the Department in recent years.
Some Board members believe it is a Board responsibility to clearly understand the reasons for any volunteer resignations from the Department.
For that reason, the Board has offered volunteers who have recently resigned from the Department the opportunity to address the Board in Executive Session to explain their reasons for leaving the Department.
Should, in the collective judgement of the Board there be common underlying theme(s) for such resignations or other matters brought before the Board, the Board by majority vote may address the situation with the Fire Chief in order to remedy the matter as deemed necessary.
This action is being implemented in the interest of working collaboratively with the Fire Chief to ensure a high level of morale and effectiveness of the Allenspark Fire Protection District and the best possible service to our community.
Bill Ellis moved that the board go into an executive session to address personnel issues. Jim Hocker seconded.
Executive Session Adjournment
The executive session was adjourned at 5:51 PM.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Natalie Gould March 3, 2025
Board Secretary
February 19, 2025
Call to Order
President Jill Allington called the meeting to order with board members Jim Hocker, Rachel Barkworth, Bill Ellis. Also present; Board Secretary Natalie Gould and Jesse Beightol
Minutes from Previous Meeting
⮚ Jim Hocker made a motion to approve minutes for January 2025, seconded by Bill Ellis, motion passed.
Submission of Bills
⮚ Bill Ellis made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Jim Hocker, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
⮚ The Treasurer’s Report was given by Rachel Barkworth.
⮚ Application for Audit Exception was discussed and it was decided to proceed.
Chief’s Report
⮚ Incidents – 10 Calls; 3 Medical, 2 Motor Vehicle Accident, 2 Search, 1 Smoke Report, 1 Odor Investigation, 1 Fire Alarm
⮚ Fire Fighters
EMR Class started 02/03/25 and ends Thursday 02/27/25. There are 10 in the class.
Logan Derrington is the new Fleet Manager and will need a new debit card. It was decided that Logan will get a new card and the old debit card will be cancelled.
⮚ Grants
Nothing new to report.
⮚ Volunteers
Nothing new to report.
⮚ CWPP Update Committee
Still gathering information. Hoping to have a community meeting in April.
⮚ Miscellaneous
Community Outreach class this month is on Stroke. March will be Wildfire Preparedness.
Stations / Land
⮚ Station One – Main - 14861 Highway 7 – Osmun – Mike Daley has volunteered his time to help plan out the new buildings and grounds plan. All preventative maintenance is up to date
⮚ Station Two – 2770 Riverside Drive – Heathermeade – Nothing new.
⮚ Station Three – 4 County Road 113 East - Meeker Park - Nothing new.
⮚ Station Four – 7400 Highway 7 – The Heights – Nothing new.
⮚ Station Five – 32 Bunce School Road – McCulloch – Nothing new.
⮚ Land at 23 Business Route 7 – Nothing new.
⮚ 5234 (Brush Truck) – Next in production line. Anchor Richey will complete the truck for $52,051.54.It will also need hoses, radios, etc.
⮚ 5225 – TransWest is working on a quote.
The committee is visiting vendors (Chief Touzjian, Chief Collom, Lt. Opperman, and Fleet Manager Derrington) to get information.
⮚ Boulder County Sheriff Trucks
New Chief vehicle- Being outfitted. Radios will be next.
Other truck will not be ready for a couple months.
Old Business
Community Room – Tomorrow’s CPR & AED class.
Election DEO and self-nomination forms were discussed and are progressing,
New Business
Board secretary full stipend as budgeted.
Performance reviews for paid members.
Executive session regarding staffing issues.
Community Room will be used by Meadow Mountain Water Supply Company for a Pre-Bid Conference from 11:00-1:00 on 02/27/2025.
Rachel Barkworth will be continuing on as Treasurer for the next year.
Jill Allington attended the Sunshine Records Law Workshop in Estes Park.
We received another large sum of money from the Gail Schultz estate.
Discussion was had about QuickBooks and the decision was made to go online.
Alpine Acres Neighborhood Association is applying for a grant to help clear the area.
Public Comments
Adding another monthly training event (JVR) for fire fighters.
Jesse is looking into an online way to track certifications and training for fire fighters.
Fire Fighter Comments
Board Member Comments
Bill emphasized the importance of members of the public having the ability to come to the board with questions and concerns without it turning into a back and forth.
Rachel suggested the board go into an executive session to discuss personnel issues.
The executive session was adjourned at 8:59 PM.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Natalie Gould February 19, 2025
Board Secretary